Top 10 Fat Burner Sports | HealthyPatty

By | June 14, 2023

PAT July 6, 2012

From martial arts to jogging, tennis to fencing: here are the ten activities that are consuming more calories.

To lose weight, diet alone is not enough: you have to do physical exercise. When a person undergoes a weight loss program (well balanced), the body loses weight by burning 70-80% fat cells, but also 20-30% muscle. To restore the 30%, then when the diet back to normal and the weight tends to level off, we must keep in exercise the muscles, because only in this case, the body tries to rebuild them. Otherwise, it is favored the production of fatty tissue, which is considered an important reserve for the survival, on the basis of the ancestral rules written in the genetic code (dating back millions of years ago, when it was chronic shortages of food).

In short, if you need the muscles remain active you have to activate biochemical mechanisms that drive the body to renew them. In addition, when the movement is prolonged for more than 40 minutes, other systems are involved, that lead to use the triglycerides to extract the necessary energy. And in this way the amount of fat is reduced.

The Ranking

Moral, if you want to lose weight in an effective, durable and healthy way, you have to do sports. The ideal is at least one hour and a half of exercise a few times a week.

Here is the list of sports that are burning more calories, with the ideal frequency for those who want to lose weight and warnings for not getting hurt: they are, in order, martial arts, basketball, free climbing, soccer, tennis, fencing, jogging, swimming and trekking and cycling.

Martial Arts: 1,300 calories per hour


From aikido to karate, judo to kick boxing, kung fu to taekwondo. In these fighting disciplines the training provides one part aerobic that trains your mind and one in which strengthens the muscles, all while improving the coordination and agility. The activity is thus complete and, in addition to burn many calories (1,300 per hour), improves the body in all its aspects.

Ideal Frequency: up to three times a week.

Warning: martial arts are difficult sports and can be traumatic, so it must be practiced only by those who are in perfect health.

Basketball: 840 calories per hour


Basketball is a tiring sport. The rhythms are very high and performed continuously explosive gestures that tone the entire leg muscles, and behind the game is required a work of resistance.

Ideal Frequency: three times a week for at least an hour, or two workouts over the game.

Warning: basketball is not good for those who have back or knee problems.

Free Climbing: 700 calories per hour


With free climbing, you consume 700 calories per hour. The free climbing, which is on a rocky wall or indoor (in the gym), involves efforts in muscle contraction, with the need to develop both maximum strength and resistance.

It urges all the muscles of the body with particular emphasis on those of the hands and forearms. Being made of short and intense gestures, but in the long run causes the accumulation of lactic acid that decreases the capacity for muscular work. The more weight, the greater the fatigue.

Ideal Frequency: a couple of hours, two or three times a week.

Warning: free climbing is not recommended for those who have joint problems and people who are grossly overweight. It puts a strain on the tendons of the upper limbs, and therefore requires a targeted workout.

Soccer: 700 calories per hour


The well-known sport, practiced by legions of amateurs with friends and colleagues, helps to swallow the flesh. Within 90 minutes of a football match in the field, a man of 70 kilos well burn 1,050 calories. Alternating mild running and continue to explosive movements requires strength and endurance. In particular, the soccer tones the muscles of the legs.

Ideal Frequency: two workouts per week.

Warning: soccer is not recommended for those who have joint problems. Pay attention to the flexors of the thigh, hamstring and calves, delicate muscles that are put a strain.

Tennis: 660 calories per hour


The tennis alternates between phases of work in very high-intensity downtime and makes losing weight only if practiced for a long time, at least one hour and a half per game: burning 660 calories an hour. It urges in particular the legs and the shoulder, even if it involves the muscles of the whole body. Being an asymmetrical sport requires compensation gymnastics, i.e. a specific training of the arm that does not work with the racket.

Ideal Frequency: three times a week at least one hour and a half.

Warning: look at the classic tennis elbow. Even the knees and back are tested by hard surfaces and constant changes of direction.

Fencing: 600 calories per hour


The rapid assaults of fencing, which require explosive force, interspersed with the long period of study in which require breath and strength training. The organs seem to be most stressed by fencing are the muscles of the lower limbs, the arm holding the weapon and the abdomen. As for tennis, compensation gymnastics are necessary.

Ideal Frequency: at least twice a week, even every day.

Warning: the risks of fencing concern to joints trauma at the legs and shoulder damage by the weapon. The fencing is not suitable in the presence of disc herniation or lumbosacral disease. Not recommended for those suffering from neck ache (cervical): the three pounds mask over the head strains the neck.

Jogging: 540 calories per hour


Jogging is the best activity to lose weight, either outdoors or on the treadmill in the gym. Besides having a high caloric expenditure, with jogging you continue to spend energy even when the workout is over.

There is a formula to find the ideal intensity: subtract your age from the figure 220 ​​and calculate the 70% of the total. The result is the number of heartbeats per minute to keep during the race (measured with a heart rate monitor). An empirical system consists in running at maximum speed that allows chatting quietly with a companion: if you have the breath and you don’t talk you will go too fast.

Ideal Frequency: after a gradual start, one hour two to three times a week.

Warning: hypertension and heart disease should not put stress on the cardiovascular system by training too intense jogging. In the obese, the exercise load that overlaps the weight carries the risk of micro trauma. The race is to be avoided in case of degenerative back disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, varicose veins and foot defects.

Swimming: 450 calories per hour


Swimming is a complete sport that trains the whole body, with particular emphasis on the shoulder and leg muscles: burning on average 450 calories per hour. In addition, working with less gravity, due to buoyancy makes swimming a low-impact trauma.

Ideal Frequency: one hour twice a week.

Warning: swimming is contraindicated in acute and chronic low back pain. Anyone who has an accentuation of the dorsal curve should not do freestyle, just back swimming. Those who have scoliosis should practice compensation exercises to free the body. Limitations for those who suffer from herniated disk: excluding the butterfly and breaststroke.

Trekking: 400 calories per hour


Trekking is derived from the verb to trek, which means walking slowly or even making a long journey. Everyone can choose, depending on the fitness level, duration and the difficulty of a route. In extreme cases, one day may consume up to 4,500 calories, but certainly not everyone can afford.

In addition to lead to weight loss, the trekking trains your legs. When you are trained, you can walk in the mountains two or even three hours each day, while longer walks require at least one rest day a week and a reinforced feed.

Ideal Frequency: after a gradual start, up to two or three hours a day.

Warning: the trekking is not suitable for those with joint problems or back pain. It’s important to always carry something to drink and eat. For a three hours walking with just a couple of liters of water and some energy bar, while major efforts, it is good to get advice from an expert. Fundamental shoes: comfortable but protective.

Cycling: 360 calories per hour


In order to have effects on metabolism, cycling should be practiced long and mild pace. Considering the commitment to non-competitive, in some subjects compared to jogging at a cost of less caloric expenditure, so to have the same result you should train a little more. The stimulated muscles are those of the legs and, to a lesser extent, arms and shoulders.

Ideal Frequency: three times a week

Warning: the bicycle is not recommended for cervical arthritis, labyrinthitis or dizziness and severe prostate problems.

Increased substrate oxidation and mitochondrial uncoupling in skeletal muscle of endurance-trained individuals.