Appendicitis, When to Operate | HealthyPatty

By | May 25, 2023

PAT June 13, 2012

The inflammation causes pain that starts from the lower area of the abdomen on the right. Here’s when you need to schedule the appendectomy.

The appendicitis, which is chronic inflammation of the Appendix, is usually present in children and adolescents between 7 and 16 years. There are cases in which the simple inflammation turns from mild to acute. In the most common situations, the evolution is never so rapid, so much so that it is general practice to postpone the surgery. But is it really the right way?

Operate or not!?

In the presence of a framework of chronicity, which is monitored by a doctor, my suggestion for parents is to agree with the surgeon with an appendectomy surgery, before arriving at the emergency of acute inflammation. Experience tells us that in most cases sooner or later you have to cross the threshold of the operating room. And even when you are unable to retract the situation well with diet, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and rest, the problem often is destined to recur in the future, with a more complex picture than it does in childhood. And while in children appendicitis is usually possible to perform minimally invasive surgery, in adults is often necessary to perform more demanding operations.


It is vague pains but localized that start from the lower abdomen on the right to converge around the navel, fatigue and difficulty getting up in the morning, nausea and vomiting, the pain gets worse when you move, walk, or cough.


Even a visit to the accurate doctor may make you suspect the presence of inflammation of the appendix. The clinical examination will always be complemented by ultrasound and preferably performed by an experienced sonographer in the vision of the gastroenterologist. In case of any further doubt, you can also do a blood test, but it may not be conclusive.